Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta (YTS)


Using participatory rural appraisal techniques, YTS helps villagers create a Community Development Plan
Using participatory rural appraisal techniques, YTS helps villagers create a Community Development Plan

YTS began working in the seven villages of Bukit Batu in 2009. Using participatory rural appraisal techniques, we assisted each community in the sub-district to make a village development plan, and started providing an annual village development fund to support local livelihoods. The project has identified two livelihood opportunities that show much promise for the development of successful micro-enterprises, these are fish-farming and chicken-raising. In both cases, profitability is limited by the high cost of material inputs, primarily for feed. To overcome this barrier, YTS wishes to provide strategic support to the seven communities by providing training and equipment to manufacture feed from local sources. In 2013, we wish to provide each community with appropriate technology and training in order to enable them to operate local fish and chicken feed-production centers in each village.

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The Human Force

Volunteering for Social Change


The Human Force: Volunteering for Social Change is a program that was founded and is directed by New York Subud member Alexandra Woodward. In succesive years, starting in 2009, Human Force organized four camps to assist SD projects. In summer 2009, over 20 volunteers came together to rebuild part of a school for children from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds at Fundación Amanecer in Colombia. In 2010, the Human Force worked at SD project Usaha Mulia Abadi in San Miguel Atlautla, Mexico, and in 2011, twelve volunteers assisted the Cipanas YUM Village (a project of YUM) in Cipanas, Indonesia. Most recently, in July, 2012, a camp of 12 volunteers from around the world was in residence at Anisha, a program designed to assist local farmers in growing organic crops in Karnataka State, India. Among their activities there, they interviewed community members about their farming practices and needs, and also taught English at a local high school.

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Karnataka, India

Children's excersize in plant diversity.
A Children’s excersize in plant diversity.

Anisha’s work is focussed on rural areas of India, specifically in the state of Karnataka, in an effort create a sustainable economic and environmental model for villagers and to slow the flight of families from impoverished areas in the countryside into the hugely overcrowded urban areas.

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