Thank you Subud Portland and Subud NY!

And thank you to everyone who donated during our Portland-NY Match. The match has been reached but you can still make a donation!

If you want to make a recurring donation, check off the box, “Make this donation every month 12 times” when the form opens.

[give_form id=”1754″]

You can also direct your donation to a specific Susila Dharma project by clicking on one of the project buttons below.

Children and Families
[give_form id="1781"]
[give_form id="1795"]
[give_form id="2388"]
[give_form id="1783"]
[give_form id="1844"]
[give_form id="1791"]
[give_form id="1793"]
[give_form id="1778"]
[give_form id="1785"]
[give_form id="2289"]
Community Development
[give_form id="1834"]
[give_form id="2948"]
[give_form id="1808"]
[give_form id="1797"]
[give_form id="1818"]
[give_form id="1832"]
[give_form id="1801"]
Promote new charitable work by Subud USA members
[give_form id="2474"]
This entry was posted in Donate.