Sequoia Community Center, in the California Sierra foothills, is a collaboration between Amelia Williams and Sulfiati Harris and the local community and government. They have been impressed by the good-hearted generosity of the local community to help others.

April is one who has made a huge difference in providing food for those in need. She had a hard childhood and always hoped someone would see what was going on and ask her if she needed help. This offer never happened. Because of this, she decided to be different and help others when she could. So now she goes out of her way to see and help people who are down and out.

As part of the Tulare County Covid-19 response, the Sequoia Community Center was invited to become a distribution site for food from a Food Link partnership. But it was clear that there were people in this impoverished area who were unable to access this food and for various reasons and outreach is complicated. So April came to the rescue. Now, twice a month, April (who has a full schedule as a house cleaner) drives to the community center, loads up her van, and then redistributes food to those she knows can really use it. Living in a remote and substandard habitat, they let her in on the condition that she comes alone. She is one of very few people whom they trust. April is moved by her recipients’ deep gratitude every time she arrives. She is available to help towards further recovery from drug addiction or others issues, but she does not push. For now, April simply meets people where they are and helps them get enough to eat, no strings attached.
Even while so many programs at Sequoia Community Center have had to be suspended, the benefits and caring spirit of the project most definitely continue on.