“Indeed, generosity and charity always go hand-in-hand with the worship of God. Why is that? It is because the fruit that comes from human beings worshiping God is generosity.” (63 WAS 2)
We pray that everyone observing the Ramadan fast receives God’s grace and blessings. For those wishing to give Zakat*, donations this year will be split between Beautiful Portland in the USA and YUM (Yayasan Usaha Mulia) Stunting Prevention Project in Indonesia. These projects provide essential services to individuals and families in dire need. Read updates below.
Beautiful Portland update from Jennifer:

Beautiful Portland is more active than ever. I am continuing as Executive Director while I have a new helper with all of the daily physical operations. My focus as Director is on fundraising and expansion.
Right now we are distributing around 2,000 lbs of food a week through my helper and our volunteers. Our monthly expenses for the two stipends and operations are currently $2.5 K a month, and will increase once we have a mini warehouse built out, where we will have food storage and food “shopping” capabilities.
The board of Beautiful Portland and I would also like to expand by way of providing more micro grants to Portland grassroots groups that do not have the resources to become non-profits. I am in a unique position to understand the needs of often the most active in helping others on the streets – the grassroots groups, as that was my personal beginning in humanitarian work. Often, the expense or complication of complex paperwork, keeps groups from becoming 501 C 3’s, and so they are doing a lot of “boots on the ground” work with limited support.
I am also working with a former Oregon senator regarding changing legislation on how food “waste” (too close to expiration but not spoiled) is managed by industrial food companies. Industrial food waste creates 1/4 of greenhouse gas emissions. About 80% of the food distributed by Beautiful Portland is technically considered “waste” but is not expired and feeds hundreds weekly.
YUM Stunting Prevention Program:

YUM is working to reach:
24 integrated health centres in 11 villages in West Java & 15 integrated health centres in 7 villages in Central Kalimantan. They are training 120 volunteer health workers in West Java and 30 volunteer health workers in Central Kalimantan.
A total of 400 pregnant women will be receiving healthcare support during their pregnancy in both areas.

*Zakat is a charitable donation traditionally given at the end of Ramadan. Unlike regular donations to SD USA during the rest of the year (disbursed annually as grants to projects), zakat donations are passed on immediately to the projects. As always, if you wish to earmark your zakat donation for a different project, indicate your preference with your payment.