Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Last week, the Susila Dharma Board members met via Zoom to finalize grants for 2022. We began the day with latihan and a few test questions to guide us in our work.
By the end of the day we had approved $76,465 to be distributed to 21 humanitarian projects!
We thank you for your generous support and are thrilled to pass along your gifts to the projects.

Introducing Cows for Kids
Cows for Kids is located in Zimbabwe, Africa and is part of the Sahwira Fund, which is dedicated to improvement in health, education and quality of life for orphaned and at risk children. This fund supports the Maulana School for Orphans. Cows For Kids is a new sustainable funding project, which your donations will support.
The goal is to purchase at least 50 free-range cows on a ranch owned by one of the Sahwira Fund board members. The annual birthing of offspring will eventually allow for the sale of cows, providing revenue for the orphanage and students.
“Cows For Kids” will also be an internship program at the cattle ranch for select students from the Maulana School for Orphans. This will provide the students an opportunity to learn the profession of farming and ranching, which is a crucial and thriving business in Zimbabwe with many avenues for further employment.
Click HERE to read more about the project.

Subud CA member Rohana LoSchiavo initiated the project and serves on the Sahwira Fund’s Board of Directors.
Please visit to read a detailed description of this project.
Introducing Anisah Center – Rohingya Refugee Education
Anisah Center provides free education for Rohingya refugees in Northern Malaysia who are not permitted to attend public school. These are children who have fled from genocide and have lost everything.
Our Subud sister, Nadya Holland, began this project with limited funds but great faith that she could make a difference. The Subud Winston-Salem group heard of this plight and decided to help. At this time Nadya and her assistant teach 25 students in leased space that Nadya has remodeled with the help of the children’s parents.
Already there are more children wishing to attend. Our hope is that with increased funding the school will grow and provide a future for these children.
Click HERE to read more about this project.
To read more about this project go to

Human Force Camp
Would you like to breathe the fresh mountain air, help our environment, and enjoy fellowship with friends and family? Human Force and Atalanta Association invite you to attend Camp Colorado this summer, July 9th -15th. Visit for more information.