The Guru Krupa Foundation Award to Anisha

(Sponsoring Foundation for Project Anisha:

In the rural area of India where project Anisha is located, marginalized farmers and landless families, often headed by single women, struggle to meet their most basic needs. Approximately 70% of these people are members of the lowest social caste in India and their children often lack adequate nutrition and health care. Without extra support, many of these children drop out of school and become trapped in the child labor sector of the local mining industry. Continue reading

Borneo Football Brings Kids Together

Borneo Football International Academy provides a healthy environment and quality assistance to children and youth in football training, health promotion and nutrition, school support and basic English education.

bifa-1Borneo, or Kalimantan, as it is called in Indonesia, is a land in a state of conflict and transition. The native peoples are various Dayak subcultures, but 30% of the population is of Chinese descent and, in the last 20 years, the Indonesian government has undertaken an intense transmigration program, finacing the relocation of poor, landless families from Java, Madura, and Bali. Transmigrants make up 21% of the population in Central Kalimantan. Feelings of resentment between cultural groups can run very high and violence has, more than once, erupted as imigrants, gold mining, and lumber interestests encroach on native lands, with thousands of people killed.

It has long been known that to address racial and cultural hatred, predjudice and conflict, you must work with young people. The young are still developing their understanding of the world and are most open to change. Also when young people can bring new ideas home to their families, often leading to a change in outlook among the older generation, too.

Borneo Football International Academy (BFIA) is the vehicle of Borneo Football International Foundation’s integrated programme for assisting children and youth’s healthy development through football. It provides a healthy environment and quality assistance to children and youth in football training, health promotion and nutrition, school support and basic English education. At the same time, the Academy promotes multicultural tolerance and integration

BFIA has currently reached the landmark of 100 students aged 7 to 18 from various backgrounds and religions. Amongst them there are Dayaks, Javanese, Balinese, Christians, Mulisms, Hindus and Buddhists.

Opening Ceremony / Yayasan Usaha Mulia - Dayak Dance Group — with Imanuel Yeremia, Yusvita Intarini, Fitri Moni Lestari, MuUtd, Rustiani Tambunan and Yeyen Andreyani Eka Rajaki.

Opening Ceremony / Yayasan Usaha Mulia – Dayak Dance Group — with Imanuel Yeremia, Yusvita Intarini, Fitri Moni Lestari, MuUtd, Rustiani Tambunan and Yeyen Andreyani Eka Rajaki.

Being the only academy of its kind in the region, BFIA has already drawn the attention of surrounding communities and local governement institutions who have, in turn, supported the launching of the first Borneo Football Cup 2015, a grand event held at the Palangkaraya Stadium during the month of August.

BFIA has currently reached the landmark of 100 students aged 7 to 18 from various backgrounds and religions. Amongst them there are Dayaks, Javanese, Balinese, Christians, Mulisms, Hindus and Buddhists.

The Football Academy is funded and managed by Borneo Football International Foundation, a non-profit organization registered with the government of Central Kalimantan.

Muhammad Bachrun Bustillo, Chairman.
Rungan Sari,
Jl. Cilik Riwut Km 36,
Palangkaraya 73225,
Central Kalimantan,


You can follow BFIA on their Facebook page

and on Twitter and Instagram: @borneo_football

History of Susila Dharma USA

Susila Dharma USA is one of 24 national Susila Dharma organizations. Each operates as an independent, charitable organization, locally controlled with its own national character and vision. Established in 1981, Susila Dharma USA is approaching 30 years of supporting humanitarian programs worldwide. Susila Dharma USA has consistently sought to support the individual social entrepreneurs who follow their “inner spark” with a unique approach to helping people in their local communities as well as in communities throughout the world.

The hallmark of Susila Dharma USA’s approach is supporting truly human initiatives on a direct basis. We believe it is important to fund small or emerging programs, yet those demonstrating the potential to grow into viable charitable activities that protect human rights and enable individuals to achieve their full potential.

  • Susila Dharma USA is a 501(c) (3) non-profit, tax-exempt organization incorporated in 1981 in the State of Massachusetts.
  • Working in partnership with the 24 other national Susila Dharma organizations, we are part of a valuable, interactive global network. Many of Susila Dharma’s project founders are members of Subud, an International Spiritual Association, with people from all faiths living in 70 countries.
  • Susila Dharma USA currently assists more than 20 programs across the globe in addition to aiding disaster relief efforts as initiated by our programs.
  • Susila Dharma USA does not discriminate by age, gender/sexual orientation, cultural, ethnic, or religious beliefs. We do not fund initiatives that promote or further any particular religious or spiritual agendas.
  • Susila Dharma USA accepts donations and grants from individuals and businesses to fund our programs, which typically receive additional non-governmental support.
  • To ensure oversight and accountability, Susila Dharma USA remains in direct communication with all programs and receives annual reports from program leaders.
  • Susila Dharma USA supports the humanitarian initiatives of qualified volunteers whose initiatives address the development of individuals, families, and communities in reaching their highest potential.
  • The words Susila Dharma, taken from Sanskrit, together mean ‘guided from within to take action in the world.’

At the bottom of this page there is a list of some of the programs to which Susila Dharma USA has provided funding to help establish sustainable and inspiring programs — all over the globe.

Susila Dharma International is the umbrella organization for the national groups.

Our Mission

k640_img_5677Susila Dharma USA…


  • Values and promotes social justice and equality through community programs that promote harmony within the cultures they serve. Key focus is placed on development that respects the dignity of each individual, while honoring and nurturing existing cultures.
  • Endorses capacity-building activities that are locally initiated and committed to serving local populations through interactive participation and collaborative partnerships. We view humanitarian service as participatory ─ when people give to other people, mutually transforming relationships occur.
  • Fosters programs dedicated to social and humanitarian activities including health, education, and long-term community development. We promote activities that are visionary and creative, while also being accountable and sustainable.
  • Maintains ongoing partnerships with member programs through personal communication between volunteer leaders and Susila Dharma USA. We support the program leaders who inspire us and transform the lives of others─one by one─with compassion and care.
  • Strives to bring hope to people around the globe, and seeks to unite people from all cultures. We believe that shared humanity is a prime motivator for helping individuals to take action that betters their communities.