SD USA Board meets to distribute $70,000 in grants

The Fun Part: Giving Money Away!

The Board met in Sacramento over Presidents’ Day weekend to distribute $70,000 in grants to Susila Dharma projects here and around the world.

There have been many changes over the past year, several Board members have resigned and we have four new members who are working hard to get up speed. We are a “working board,” which means that there is a steep learning curve for new members.

The Board of Directors of Susila Dharma USA
Left to right: Abdul-Mu’izz Shams, John Shoenthaler, Benedict Herrman, Kim Joseph, Aminah Herrman, Marilyn Schirk, Sofia Nicoletti, Fauziyah Ishak, Jake Sterling, Evan Padilla, Humphrey Williams (Rifka Several, photographer)

Board members act as liaisons between SD USA and the projects that we support. This part of the job can be a bit daunting at first, because there is a LOT to learn about each project. However, as one gets to know and understand the projects, it is one of the most satisfying parts of Susila Dharma work.

We learn, not just about the activities of the specific projects we support, but also about the cultures, economies, and people that the projects serve.

This year…

…in addition to the excellent, ongoing projects we support in Kalimantan and India, we have added three important projects to the list.

Wawa Illari

Wawa Illari brings together experience from multiple SD Projects. Illène Pevec of A Child’s Garden of Peace, works with children in Peru.

Wawa Illari works with nurses in Peru to teach young families about the importance, not only of proper nutrition, but of emotional and intellectual interaction with infants in the first three years.

I Protect Me

I Protect Me
Training Prevention Workers.
Here trainers work with women, teaching basic techniques for self defense.

In Africa, a new project, I Protect Me, helps girls and women with skills needed to protect themselves from sexual predation and to build the confidence and sense of self worth needed for a fulfilling life.

The Women Worldwide Initiative

Inspiring and educating young women in low-income communities in New York City and in the developing world.

And here in the USA, we are again supporting The Women Worldwide Initiative, which also works with young women on the brink of adulthood.

We went home after our meeting with a renewed sense of purpose and direction. Our Susila Dharma organization is not solely focused on fundraising for SD Projects, but that is a big part of our work. We hope to build our capacity to support Subud’s humanitarian work by extending our efforts outside of the Subud membership by introducing ourselves to a non-Subud audience, by seeking more grants for specific projects such as the Guru Krupa Foundation grant that we obtained for Anisha in India, and to apply to firms who practice corporate giving.

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This work comes with a blessing and we are thankful for the opportunity to serve the projects and to serve you.

For more information about specific grants, click here…

Susila Dharma is a Wing of Subud USA. Our mandate is to create paths by which God’s grace can be expressed by every Subud member.

New SD USA Treasurer