Many people have been contacting us to find out whether we are doing anything to send aid to those made homeless by Hurricane Harvey. SD USA is not a disaster relief organization, but we are very happy to refer our members to organizations that do this work much more efficiently than we would be able to. Here are some links to disaster relief organizations now active in Texas and Louisiana.
You can see an updated list of organizations accepting monetary donations here.
Texas Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster website for a list of vetted disaster relief organizations.
American Red Cross – You can donate directly to the American Red Cross to assist hurricane victims. Minimum online donation is $10. To donate visit, call 1- 800-RED CROSS or text the word HARVEY to 90999 to make a $10 donation.
Salvation Army – Call 1-800-SAL-ARMY, go to the donate online or send your contribution, earmarked “Disaster Relief,” to The Salvation Army, 10755 Burt St, Omaha, NE 68114.
Catholic Charities USA – Donated funds go to support recovery efforts, including direct assistance, rebuilding and health care services. You can donate here.
Here is an excellent article by Episcopal Relief & Development on how we can help and what kind contribution is most helpful.